The Law of Attraction is a fact of life. Some people are very open to it while others aren't so sure. It goes by many names including positive thinking, the Golden Rule, and even the famous Karma which means what you do to others will come back to you. You may have your own thoughts on the Law of Attraction, but many people just don’t understand what it is or how to make it work for them.

More simply put, the Law of Attraction is anything to which you are attracted or drawn, anything to which you feel a kinship, be it a person, place, animal or thing. Experience teaches us that this would depend on our age and stage in life, our state of being, the silver spoons and blows that life has dealt us. In short there are so many variables that it is practically impossible to put down a Law of Attraction. How often have we sat in the doctor’s office or on a bus and simply felt either attracted to or repelled by a particular person. This is no positive or negative reflection on either you or the other person. It simply means that the person’s energies are vibrating on the same or different frequencies from the other person.
To continue on a positive note, it is to be remembered that if you want a positive outcome, you need to attract what you want into your life by aligning your heart and mind to the outcome of your desire. Do your part though to minimize the damage that will occur. The more positive energy that you show then the more good you will attract from the situation. You will find that your heart and your mind aren't always on the same path, but you do need to find a place where they connect with each other.
If you want to truly benefit from the Law of Attraction, here are some great tips to follow.
Be honest with yourself about your own feelings in your heart and your thoughts in your mind. Think about your future and how you want to feel as well as what you want to accomplish>. Pay attention to those feelings that leave you feeling good as well as those that don’t. You want to make sure you are really focusing on the positive and doing your best to push the negative out of your mind and body. Appreciation for what you already have are positive feelings that will open your heart and creates space for more. These positive feelings will make you more receptive to experiencing a positive Law of Attraction.
Desire is the more positive of the two emotions that will lead to a positive force of attraction. While Need is more negative and is synonymous with feelings of lack. It is therefore necessary to be passionate about your desired outcome, yet at the same time remain light-hearted and unattached.
Focus on the outcome and not how you are going to manage achieve it. This would give you a more positive outlook, whereas focusing on the How would draw your attention to all the potential pitfalls along the way and thereby be a more negative experience. You deserve a lot just by simply being there. This will help you to receive, without feeling beholden to the giver. Conversely, be open to being the giver too.
Act on opportunities that crop up as you experience the law of attraction. Remember that these are stepping-stones to achieving your goals. Seemingly unrelated and inconsequential encounters can have a great significance as you pursue your dreams. Engaging the law of attraction calls for persistence and focus on your goal. In today’s world of instant gratification and microwave popcorn, we need to focus on Persistence while we remember that which comes easiest or fastest is often not the best. Remember “Where there’s vision, there’s a way.”
Last but not least, love yourself first and through that you will love and value yourself and others. This will make your goals more achievable and your success more effortless. Love is a strong vibration that heals. It is your best way to harness the law of attraction in your favor.
by Colin Joss
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