can have less sharp vision and are allowed 20/40. Even if your vision isn't that great, you may still stand a chance of becoming a pilot because the tests are scored with or without correction aids, like glasses and contact lenses.

Most people equate 20/20 eyesight with having perfect, clear, flawless vision... but that's not what it means. In actuality 20/20 vision means that a person can clearly see and read a line of letters on a Snellen chart, while standing back at a distance of 20 feet, which is what a normal person should be able to see at 20 feet. Thus, when someone says they have 20/20 vision, it means they have the visual acuity of the average person.
While the Snellen chart is the most familiar type of vision test, there are many alternative ways to screen and evaluate eyesight. This test uses a combination of questions, pictures, colors, and more to ascertain how well your eyes work. According to its makers, only pilots can pass it, so take it now and see whether your vision is as sharp as theirs needs to be! Did you pass? Let us know in the comments section below.
All pilots must have excellent eyesight in order to obtain and keep their pilot's license. Both first and second class pilots must have 20/20 distant vision, in each eye separately. Third-class pilots 
Most people equate 20/20 eyesight with having perfect, clear, flawless vision... but that's not what it means. In actuality 20/20 vision means that a person can clearly see and read a line of letters on a Snellen chart, while standing back at a distance of 20 feet, which is what a normal person should be able to see at 20 feet. Thus, when someone says they have 20/20 vision, it means they have the visual acuity of the average person.
While the Snellen chart is the most familiar type of vision test, there are many alternative ways to screen and evaluate eyesight. This test uses a combination of questions, pictures, colors, and more to ascertain how well your eyes work. According to its makers, only pilots can pass it, so take it now and see whether your vision is as sharp as theirs needs to be! Did you pass? Let us know in the comments section below.