The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the "third eye") is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. These are just a few things you can do to decalcify and nourish your pineal gland. I recommend you make your own notes, research and come to your own consensus.
As we go through this awakening, there isn't a need for us to create another box or identity for ourselves. We don't need to change or get stuck on a new way of being, talking, acting and dressing simply because we are awakening. We are all on this journey and it is much simpler than it is sometimes made out to be :)

“What we are experiencing is the externalization of subconscious patterns of behavior. This is how humans bring subconscious patterns of behavior to conscious awareness, by projecting subconscious patterns of behavior onto space and watching them as they unfold(time).
You see the physical universe is the subconscious mind of god, it normally operates automatically without conscious observation, pattern recognition is the key. Remember the universe is fractal and relational. This is the dynamic of self similarity at different orders of magnitude and everything is connected.
When we bring subconscious patterns of behavior to conscious awareness we are not only becoming more conscious individually but collectively as well. Since the physical universe is simply the externalized projection of our collective subconscious, when we bring subconscious patterns of behavior to conscious awareness we are doing the work of the creator. As above so below, as within so without.” -Vito Santana
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